Dušan Milićević, General Manager, Comtrade System Integration
Taking participation in this year’s SymOrg 2022 panel was an inspiring experience, both because of the general topic relevance, as well as for the overall impressions that the panelists and the moderators left. We had the opportunity for a quality discussion on how the crisis caused us to have had to step out of our comfort zones in different industries, and to share our experiences and practices that have proven to establish new standards after the crisis.
Although I never thought there was really the need to “reinvent the wheel” in terms of the initial approach during the crisis – which proved correct, because regardless of the industry, the common approach to sudden work from-remote-locations circumstances was, more or less, the same across different industries – my personal key impression is that we, as a business society, have collectively changed our business mindset altogether. We are now thinking much more about the long-term sustainability, and we are aware that any current and possibly upcoming crisis can easily escalate and jeopardize the traditional ways of doing business. This makes us more aware and cautious in a business sense, and therefore we are now setting adjusted business models in a more sustainable manner.
It has been a professional honor for me to be in position to contribute to such an inspiring discussion during this panel, and a special personal pleasure to return to an institution that practically paved the way for my professional development – the institution which I am personally very proud of.